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The ‘Fórmula Sonrisas’ (Formula Smiles) Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2003 by Colombian racecar driver Juan Pablo Montoya and his wife Connie Freydell. Formula Smiles is legally incorporated in the United States under the 501 c3 status. Its goal is to improve the lives of thousands of children burdened by poverty and violence in their daily life, teaching them how they can dream about being better persons and having a more promising future through sports, highlighting commonalities and bridging cultural or ethnic divides.
We believe that sports represent a powerful tool to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and thus reduce poverty and inequality that affects our country. We agree with the United Nation’s notion where the practice of sports and play, from early childhood and throughout adolescence is essential for physical, mental, psychological and social development. Participation in sports activities enhances health, improves school performance and sustainable social development.
Formula Smiles Foundation supports over 5,000 children in five Colombian cities. Although every city has its own story, they all share a common issue: the need to smile to the country, building a better future for the children and their families.
Formula Smiles Foundation, using sports as a major tool, seeks to improve the quality of life of the most needy Colombian children and their surroundings, offering them an integral education, a healthier life style and socially sustainable development.
We look forward to generate viable, trustable and permanent projects through:
Strengthening: Extending our project’s coverage and generating the required alliances in order to complement the integral development of children in educational, technological, health and socio economic development fields.
Creation: Implementing new projects that contribute to the integral development of children, relying on existing programs that include our mission. Creating new projects along with other organizations that benefit the same population in different fields of action.
At the Formula Smiles Foundation we are committed to develop high impact projects that instill values to the beneficiaries with expectations of viable and reliable continuation.
We are focused on the continuous improvement of our program through the procurement of resources and strategic alliances, always providing a transparent and open view of our efforts to our benefactors. All of the above is based on the competence and capability of our human talent.
MY BEST FRIEND, is our sponsored program, the main goal of which is to contribute in a direct way to the children integral development through the Foundation’s three pillars: education, health and sports; thus preventing school dropouts, child labor and gang formation, among several other problems.